I took two vacation days this week and guess how I spent Vacation Day #1? Setting up the cemetery in Elora for
Scare Fair! Yes, I'm fully aware that this is not what most people do with their vacations but it was the perfect Autumn day, the colors are glorious and Mom and I got a lot of work done in 6 1/2 hours! Plus we had Willow along so we didn't have to watch the clock. Plus it was far, far away from the computer!!!
It's certainly not finished but we got the path and 23 graves mapped out and set up some stones and the area is cleaned up and ready for the extra goodies still to come. Vacation Day #2 will be spent... decorating tombstones! I love it!
Look at those trees in the last sunlight of the day and all the Zoo critters in waiting! It's going to fun, hope you can join us Oct. 19-21 for the Scare Fair!