Sep 16, 2017

Garden in bloom

Our Summer was amazing!  Where did it go?!?!  Here we are deep into September already and I see I never got around to posting our garden in bloom.

Compared to last year's drought, it was a wet season but almost all the plants loved it, growing lush and thick.  Of course, then the bugs came out in force, slugs in particular poking holes in all the hostas.

It was a Summer of dramatic clouds!  We've never witnessed so many unusual textures and colors in the clouds as we did this year.  Here's a view from our balcony in late June.

Our Adam's Needles did very well, and for once no thieving hands snatched away the lovely flowers!  Thank you for letting them stand tall!

Elora, however, looked like it was invaded by rabid groundhogs as everywhere Wightman fiber optic cables were laid into the ground.  We lost our front sidewalk for a while, and they didn't do a very nice job of restoring it, buggers.

Our boulevard on David Street finally got a good cleaning out and a few new plants.  The creeping bell flower bloomed beautifully as did the lilies.

Thanks to a free-standing "mini garden" from Lee Valley, we grew our own herbs and mini tomatoes to grace our breakfast dishes.  This was a wonderful idea, keeping the herbs out of bugs' reach!

And growing more than 8 feet tall, the Cup Plants on the boulevard were magnificent!  It was a thrill to see all the bees that came to enjoy the flowers, and now the birds are coming for the seeds.  

Hope your Summer was Grand too!