Nov 24, 2021

October's Magic

This year, our Hallowe'en was subdued due to Willow's declining health and I needed to keep it simple and easy and fun.  

We took part in a pumpkin carving contest, here's the coverage in the local paper:

and our two pumpkins:  

Hallowe'en night was pretty fair weather-wise and it only started to lightly rain around 7:30.  We had 69 Trick 'r Treaters in total, and saw some awesome costumes, great imagination!  

Here's our front yard:

We had some great pumpkins!  Love the one with all the spaghetti-like strings inside!

And once it got dark, everything was so much more spooky.

Sadly it was too windy to use real candles but the fake ones worked well enough.  And even though our display was "subdued" it was far more than anyone else on our crescent!  The neighbours around us did have some fun pieces, my favorite was the Great White Shark eating someone, ha!   I don't care for the inflatables, but that was a good one!  

The next night, we set up our altar to welcome back the dead with favorite treats and with our pumpkins to scare away the unwelcome.  

All in all, it was a good Hallowe'en.  Here are my two babies posing with our skellies by the "fire", which looked really good and is electric so it could be on all night. 

Nov 9, 2021

All the world should be slightly downhill

I wanted to share this little video when I made it back in March but somehow it never happened.  So here, belated but ever so close to my heart, is Willow using her Walkin Wheels on a trail near here.  Downhill is so much fun!  Zorro makes a fleeting appearance too.