It's an exciting weekend! We're busy with guests involved in the Elora Vintage and Antiques Show which has been running for 20+ years. After satisfying our guests with Eggs Benedict, German streusal kuchen with apricot and lemon cake (a really super nice group of people along with the sweetest Westie-Poo!), Mom and I headed over (a very short 3 minute walk) to see it for ourselves.
It was well-attended and the crowds seemed very keen. There were some interesting conversations going on and some lovely pieces on display. And while we're not very much into antiques, I did bring home a rat!
It's not often that you see a rat in a postcard so I had to bring this one home, even though the rat is in trouble! And the rabbit one is strange: is it a real photo or was it staged? It looks fake/staged, but did they do that sort of thing back then? These cards were purchased from Attic Books of London, Ontario (along with a few to gift my friend Rose who always sends me such awesome Krampus postcards).
On a more practical note, the cornflower pattern in glass has always caught my eye and there was quite a lot of it at the Show. This piece (from Victoria Street Antiques) however, is both useful and lovely: it will be used to serve our guests sauces for pancakes, like lemon sauce or raspberry. Perhaps it'll also be used for warmed maple syrup... maybe this pretty, delicate vessel will discourage guests from drowning beyond recognition my home-made, buttery pancakes in maple syrup! (How many B&B hosts grumble about this?!) Ah well, to each his/her own... : }
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