My favorite time of year! Finally cooler temperatures and, like magic, everything goes from green to yellows and oranges and coppers and reds overnight!
Magnificent! WOW! Mother Nature is awesome!
Before we get into the fun of October, though, we have some seasonal house maintenance to take care of, like fixing up our balcony. The outside door frame and balcony rail needed scrapping, sanding, priming and painting before the weather turned too cold.
I did manage to start the Hallowe'en baking, though. Here are the dogs' treats... yes, I have my priorities in order and the dogs are first! Peanut butter bones and ghosts, and the ghosts still will get a white Merkins coating to be extra yummy. (Also, dog cookies store really well so they're good to make in advance.)
And I'm thrilled to say I've been invited to take part in the Twilight Zoo! My bat conservation display will be part of the October 22nd after-Monster-March fun on the Elora Centre for the Arts grounds. This photo is from the Twilight Zoo website, where you can read all the details about this month of spooky activities!