From the elegant to the subtle...
I had to laugh when I saw this display: is the abandoned bike and shovel supposed to be there? I love the gruesome stories you could make up with these elements!!
However, our haunted friends in Aboyne took the cake with their skeleton horses and carriage display!
44 children dared to come up to our door on what was one of the most pleasant and mild Hallowe'ens I can remember. We were expecting more ghosts and goblins to drop in... so there's lots of leftover goodies for our guests to enjoy!
Until next year!
The skelly horses each even had their own water buckets!
And here was our offering:
44 children dared to come up to our door on what was one of the most pleasant and mild Hallowe'ens I can remember. We were expecting more ghosts and goblins to drop in... so there's lots of leftover goodies for our guests to enjoy!
As the light started to fade, the lanterns were lit and and the 2 skeleton dogs were added to the cemetery.
Howler was close enough to the walkway that he'd start howling when excited children went by, perfect!
And now all the creepy critters have been packed away (well, never all... there's always a bit of Hallowe'en at our house)...
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