Jun 12, 2011

What the hell...

So I spent the afternoon in my studio, pulled out all the boxes of ribbons and laces and that sort of thing and had fun rediscovering things I'd bought to make costumes for the lady bears. First, this lace with beads and ribbons that, with a bit of elastic, I made into an amazing little skirt. Then this piece of expensive leather with swirls of fake fur: with this I finally unravelled the secret of a well-fitting corset/bodice (all those darts!). Then the blond wig with pink tips! Seian loves to dress-up so she was my mold and model. Ta-da! Okay, does it show that I was listening to Avril Lavigne?!?! It's kinda neat, I think, that this look is so very Avril! I'm going to have to make a bear to wear this outfit!

I wonder what Ms. Lavigne would think?

It was fun, and good to do something in the studio that was started and was finished in one afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I looove this outfit, hehe, yup Avril for sure ;) Love her hair too, cuuuuute!!!
