Mar 25, 2012

This photo was taken a few days ago, the Willow tree in our backyard already had pussys March 17th!! This is far too early! The clematis also has leaves, and the roses have leaves opening, as well as the trees and everything else. Normally, we should still have snow on the ground and maybe the crocuses could be showing their heads, nothing else. It's been so warm and sunny that the grass has been growing and Mom already mowed the lawn! And now we could very well pay for the +20C temperatures we've been having: it's supposed to drop to -4C tonight, which will kill a lot of this new growth (especially the Magnolia trees which are so delicate.
In our yard, we attempted to cover as many plants as possible, at least from the strong winds which would make -4C more like -8C. Is this enough, will we save them? I'll let your know!

1 comment:

  1. Well, somethings made it, some look poor. Frost again tonight, March 29th... we'll see.
